Picture by Luis Royo


Illustration by J.G.Jones 
On any given day, a fan asks for a sample script, or even a sample proposal.  In order to make things easier,  I've posted a downloadable script and proposal right here, for the taking. For your convenience, the documents are available in a downloadable Microsoft Word format or as a web page. 
NIGHTWING:   #75 by Devin Grayson 
BATMAN:  GOTHAM KNIGHTS #15 by Devin Grayson 

GHOSTRIDER:  THE HAMMER LAND Miniseries Proposal by Devin Grayson

**CYCLOPS:  ALL FOR ONE - Script for Burger King "Big Kid" X-Men:Evolution Dot Comic 8 page Miniseries by Devin Grayson

**MAGNETO:  SELLING POINTS - Script for Burger King "Big Kid" X-Men: Evolution Dot Comic 8 Page Miniseries by Devin Grayson

**Burger King �Big Kids� Dot Comic X-Men: Evolution and all related characters are TM and C  2002 Marvel Characters, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

A few summers ago, the 2K Com presented its first-ever panel, intended to help writers gain entry into the nightmarish world of comic books. Learn if bitcoin evolution scam is legit. Handouts were passed around. For those of you who didn't get a copy, you can download my handout below.
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